St Vincent Plaza
New speculative commercial office providing high quality office space over eleven storeys arranged around a central core. The development also provides external parking for 80 cars.
Civil and structural design including underground drainage. The structural form is steel framed superstructure on piled foundations. The floors are insitu concrete composite construction with deep cellbeams to allow integration with services.
The design was complicated by the constraints of the site such as steep topography and proximity of anchors from the M8 retaining walls. Archive drawings were obtained to accurately locate the position of the existing anchors. The new building foundations were altered to provide a greater clearance without having to move the building. Another main challenge was the structural design of the second floor cantilever above the main entrance. Large plated beam seating along with strategically located bracing resolved this challenge and created the desired entrance detail
Prime location adjacent to the M8 corridor. Provides a large floor plate the majority of which is column free.